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Best Workplaces™ in Real Estate & Property Development - Leveraging Employee Pride and Becoming an Employer of Choice

 Best Workplaces™ in Real Estate & Property Development - Leveraging Employee Pride and Becoming an Employer of Choice

Best Workplaces Equity Retention Recruitment Employee Pride

Great workplaces are ones where people want to work. And with the competition for talent being as fierce as it is, the Best Workplaces in Real Estate, Property Development and Construction understand that being an employer of choice is part of what is driving their success. With the rollercoaster their industry is riding from hot markets to rising interest rates and supply issues, these companies know that their ability to attract and retain their people is crucial. They understand too that building pride in one’s workplace is intrinsically tied to being an employer of choice and they develop and evolve policies and practices accordingly.

This notion of pride in the workplace is fundamental when asking what makes a company an employer of choice and in today’s market it is critical. The organizations on our list have distinguished themselves by having employees that are very proud of the work they do and the companies they work for. How do we know that? Their employees’ responses to key questions related to pride reveal that pride is indeed very high within these organizations:

I'm proud to tell others I work here91% of employees agree

I want to work here for a long time84% of employees agree

I would strongly endorse my organization to friends and family as a great place to work85% of employees agree

The net results of these and other statements on the survey yield this strong endorsement for being an employer of choice:

Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work – 88% of employees agree

Pride is a significant contributing factor to being an employer of choice because it impacts everything from how employees interact with clients to how they speak about the company to family and friends. When interactions and messaging about an organization are consistently positive, the impact on the organization’s reputation as an employer improves as well. And the benefits of being an employer of choice are compelling as they lead to an easier recruitment process and higher retention rates once employees are hired.

How do organizations become employers of choice?

Instilling pride within your people and developing a reputation as an employer of choice is a journey and a commitment. It means drilling down to the fundamentals of what makes a workplace great. A place to start is with the question, “Why would someone be proud to work here?” While the specific answers will be different for every organization, two key elements that must be present are fair treatment and strong leadership. Bottom line, how you treat people and how you conduct business are two key factors when it comes to building trust, instilling pride and being an employer of choice.


The desire to be treated fairly is universal. It underscores the basics of respect and human rights in the workplace. People who feel treated fairly are happier, more productive and have more pride in their organization. And the sense of fairness goes far beyond what is required by law – it’s about how people feel they are treated by their managers and their colleagues and whether they feel the organization is as invested in their success as much as they are. At the Best Workplaces in Real Estate, Property Development and Construction fairness is well established:

People here are treated fairly regardless of their age, race or ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation – 93% of employees agree

Here are some tips for fair practices that will boost your reputation as an employer of choice:

Treat People Fairly
Nothing erodes trust in an organization faster than the perception of unfair treatment or favoritism. Develop policies and practices that are fair for all. Ensure people are aware of your policies and apply them fairly. Answer questions about your practices openly and transparently. Avoid politicking and playing favorites. Recognize the value in everyone’s contributions and support each person to be who they are and bring the best of themselves to work everyday.

Pay People Fairly
Make a commitment to pay equity. This means having an open compensation system that outlines how pay is determined and what people need to do to increase their compensation level. Conduct regular surveys internally for equity between jobs and departments and correct systemic biases that may exist. Survey externally as well to ensure you are at or above market within your region and industry. Remember to include a benefits analysis as part of this surveying.

Affirm Equal Opportunity
Employers of choice encourage growth and development opportunities for all. Ensure your promotional system is fair and transparent. Develop career paths and encourage people to explore the different types of opportunities available. Support training plans and help people develop career progressions that fit their needs and interests, remembering that lateral moves are just as valuable as vertical ones when it comes to retention and developing pride in the organization.


Leadership within the organization is important and we all know people quit managers more than they quit jobs. Corporate leadership is also very important as it has a direct impact on the pride one has in the organization as a whole. People want to work for leaders and organizations that stand for something, that have a clear purpose and that want to make a positive impact beyond the goods and/or services they offer. The Best Workplaces in Real Estate, Property Development and Construction demonstrate this commitment and their employees take pride in this element of organizational leadership:

When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride – 90% of employees agree

Here are some ways to leverage your leadership to instill pride as you begin your journey to becoming an employer of choice.

Lead with Values
Know your values and stick by them. When you do, you will naturally lead by example and do things differently because it is the right thing to do. Employers of choice aren’t afraid to make tough decisions, they forge their own path, and they use their values, mission and vision to guide them. Working for organizations that have a strong set of values and are clear about what they want to accomplish in the market, and beyond, are the kinds of organizations that instill deep pride within the people that work there.

Lead with Integrity
Do what you say and do it authentically, consistently and transparently. This type of leadership builds trust, and trust is the foundation from which strong work cultures grow. Transparency is often at the root of integrity. Be open and honest in all your interactions and share information openly and frequently to keep your people informed and engaged. To be an employer of choice means your people don’t have to worry about job security or the direction of the company and they aren’t afraid they will be blindsided by a decision because they have been engaged through the whole process.

Lead Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
People thrive on purpose and want to work for organizations that align with their values. To build pride and further engage your people, CSR is vitally important as it creates a connection to something that goes beyond the job and the market. It is highly fulfilling and enables employees to generate a personal connection knowing they are making their community a better place. Discover the community and environmental programs that your people are passionate about. Provide time and resources to help your people get personally involved. Commit to making a difference both through the work you do and the way you conduct that work.

The road to developing pride within your organization and emerging as an employer of choice is one that you need to embark on. The competition for talent is not going away and by committing to your people and your practices you are setting yourself up for long-term success. Start today by examining the practices and polices that contribute to fair treatment and strong leadership and build on the pride you develop to enjoy the status as an employer of choice in your community and industry.

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Nancy Fonseca
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