The Best Workplaces™ for Women & Led by Women lists are here!

Best Workplaces Managed by Women: These Leaders Are Competent, Caring and Fair

 Best Workplaces Managed by Women: These Leaders Are Competent, Caring and Fair

Best Workplaces


Great Place to Work® is pleased to announce the 2019 list of Canada’s Best Workplaces Managed by Women. To be eligible for this list, organizations must be Great Place to Work- Certified™ in the past year and have a female president or CEO. We determined the BEST based the overall Trust Index® score from employees.


Click here to see the list


A recent StatsCanada report found that while significant advances have been made, parity remains elusive for women in Canada’s private sector. Women working full-time still earn just 87 cents to every dollar earned by men and they continue to be underrepresented in leadership and executive positions, occupying just 23% of board positions in Canada’s top 500 corporations.

This list of Best Workplaces Managed by Women represents outstanding Canadian workplaces that are led by women at the senior-most ranks and are characterized by high levels of trust, pride and camaraderie. Employees at these organizations report their female leaders are competent, caring and fair.


87% of employees at the Best Workplaces Managed by Women agree “management has a clear view of where the organization is going and how to get there.” 


83% of employees at the Best Workplaces Managed by Women agree “management shows a sincere interest in me as a person, not just an employee.” 


74% of employees at the Best Workplaces Managed by Women agree “managers avoid playing favourites).” 

Female perspectives from the top

Leaders at the Best Workplaces Managed by Women have each followed their own path to success, but they’re united by a shared journey of career highlights and challenges which has been influenced by gender. Great Place to Work is pleased to announce our free webinar series: Female Perspectives from the Top. Register today.

We’re looking for great workplaces managed by women

Register today to become Great Place to Work Certified™. Get recognized for the outstanding culture you’ve built or let us help you create a more productive work environment.

About our lists

Great Place to Work® publishes a series of Best Workplaces™ lists based on feedback from more than 300,000 employees at Great Place to Work Certified™ organizations across all industries in Canada. Employees complete an anonymous Trust Index© survey, answering questions about how frequently they experience behaviors that create a great workplace, including, the transparency of communication, degree of collaboration, quality of benefits programs, opportunity for professional development, and support for work-life balance. If 7/10 employees respond positively to the survey, the organization becomes Great Place to Work Certified™ for one year. Results from the survey are highly reliable, having a 95% confidence level with +/- 5% margin of error.

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services, and certification programs, GPTW recognizes the world's Best Workplaces™ in a series of national lists including those published by The Globe & Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). Great Place to Work® provides the benchmarks, framework, and expertise needed to create, sustain, and recognize outstanding workplace cultures.

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