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Winning Corporate Culture: Great Place to Work Featured in The Globe and Mail

 Winning Corporate Culture: Great Place to Work Featured in The Globe and Mail

Great Place to Work® Canada's Head of Culture and Research, Alison Grenier, and her work were featured twice in The Globe and Mail last week, in their "Winning Corporate Culture Report".

The first article was titled "The connection between corporate commitments to community and business performance":

“This research highlights the connection between corporate commitments to community and key business metrics, including long-term career commitment, positive brand promotion, discretionary effort and employee impact,” says Alison Grenier, head of culture and research, Great Place to Work. “Our findings provide proof of increased benefits to business and tangible ways to create a corporate community investment program that improves employee engagement.”

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The second was titled "Research shows mentally healthy workplaces start with trust":

“Our current research suggests that trusting relationships at work lay the foundation for mentally healthy workplaces, and there is no aspect of the workplace that is unaffected by trust,” says Alison Grenier, head of culture and research at Great Place to Work. “We have examined the key relationships between workplace trust and mental wellness, and based on this research, have provided concrete tips for creating more trusting relationships at work.”

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You can download the guide for employers mentioned in the article on our website, here.

We are always thrilled to see our work spread across Canada, as we try to build a better world by helping organizations become better workplaces.

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