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Three Generations: One Great Workplace

 Three Generations: One Great Workplace
In today’s world people are living and working longer, making the multi-generational workplace a reality. With Boomers waiting longer to retire and the large millennial generation just settling in, organizations are operating with significant populations from three generations. While some may believe this diversity of age poses many challenges, our recent research at Great Place to Work® leads us to believe that the generations may have more in common than we originally thought.

In today’s world people are living and working longer, making the multi-generational workplace a reality. With Boomers waiting longer to retire and the large millennial generation just settling in, organizations are operating with significant populations from three generations. While some may believe this diversity of age poses many challenges, our recent research at Great Place to Work® leads us to believe that the generations may have more in common than we originally thought.

In this webinar, we explore some of the major commonalities across generations and discuss research from our recent Best Workplaces for Millennials, Gen X & Baby Boomers lists. You will hear from Best Companies on how they create a multi-generational workplace and help employees of all ages thrive.

Julian Lute PresenterJulian Lute
Consultant in the Great Place to Work® Advisory Services Practice

Julian Lute is an Organizational Culture Consultant in the Great Place to Work® Advisory Services Practice, where he excels at performing in-depth research and analysis of organizations and uncovering important data that executives can leverage to achieve company culture objectives.

GuestsAnnamarie Dunn
Sr. Group Director, Culture & Talent, Cadence Design Systems

Julie Eklund
Director, Kimley-Horn

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