Webinar Calendar

Checkout the upcoming dates of our Better™ -Webinar Series

WebinarSession DescriptionLearning OutcomesDateRegistration

Building Better: How Purpose Boosts Workplace Performance.

You’ll be hard pressed to find a leader who says purpose doesn’t matter. But you’ll be equally hard pressed to find leaders who treat purpose as a business imperative — unless you’re one of Canada’s Best Workplaces, where purpose is prioritized.  

Each year, Great Place to Work recognizes the Best Workplaces in Canada based on direct feedback from their employees on levels of trust within their organizations. This years’ winners have found that the way to inspire, engage, and retain their people lies in purpose: providing employees with work that is more than “just a job.” 

In this session, you’ll learn why purpose-driven cultures outperform their peers, and how you can take small steps to connect all employees with their purpose to drive stronger business outcomes. 

  • Learn how helping employees find deeper meaning in their work drives better outcomes for people and for business including higher retention, improved employee well-being and stronger financial returns 

  • Learn some tips on how to connect your people with their purpose at work, regardless of what industry you’re in. 

  • Learn why organizations that don’t connect employees to purpose will face increasingly difficult challenges in the months and years ahead 
Cost: Free
Date: Jan 30, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EST
Click here to register

Four Key Elements of Executive Effectiveness

Effective leadership teams have an emotional connection with their company’s culture as well as an ability to create a coherent and effective strategy at every level of the business, unlocking the full potential of their organization. In this session, we’ll introduce the science behind Canada’s Most Trusted Leadership Teams and explore the strategic role of HR in supporting them. 

  • Learn about the four key elements of effective leadership teams 

  • Learn how actively fostering human connection can nurture the effectiveness of your leadership team 

  • Learn about the neuroscience behind the most effective executive teams 

  • Learn tactics and strategies from HR leaders who enable their leadership teams for maximum success.
Date: Feb 14, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EST
Click here to register

What does it take for women to thrive at work?

It is widely accepted among health practitioners that our biological health can be influenced psychological and social factors and vice-versa. Your job has the potential to have a profound positive – or negative – impact on your health.

This session will address how to close the gaps in work experience for women by creating a climate of mental and emotional support, personal support, financial health and meaningful connections.

HR and business leaders can provide a foundation for positive well-being that allows women to flourish in and outside of work.

  • Learn about the inter-connectedness between physical health and organizational health. 

  • Learn about the 5 dimensions of employee well-being, and how they create an environment where employees can flourish in and outside of work 

  • Learn about the business benefits of supporting employee well-being  

  • Learn how you can monitor employee well-being and involve employees in creating solutions and supports that work for your environment
Date: Mar 27, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EST
Click here to register

Nine Key Leadership Behaviours that Build Trust at The Best Workplaces in Canada

High-trust cultures help employees thrive, which fuels company performance in all areas that matter to employees, customers and the broader community.

Our 30 years of research demonstrated that it’s impossible to create a great workplace for all employees without trust, so this is the primary measure we use to determine our list of Best Workplaces.

Our research also shows that there are nine behaviors that can build or break trust. It’s a list that inspires leaders at the Best Workplaces to do their best for all their people every day.

In this session you’ll learn about the nine key leadership behaviors we see at the Best Workplaces and find some inspiration to create your own great place to work.  

  • Learn the 9 key leadership behaviours common to the Best Workplaces 

  • Discover what these behaviours look like in practice
  • Get inspired to adapt these practices to create your own great workplace
Date: Apr 10, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EST
Click here to register
*Webinar schedule is subject to change.